Roads & Bridges

SSI’s core products measure ride quality and localized roughness under prevalent standards and specifications. We measure the surface condition of asphalt or concrete pavements with precision. Whether measuring the condition of an existing pavement, or displaying the profile of a new pavement while navigating through its localized roughness, SSI’s devices provide highly effective QA/QC testing solutions for roads and bridges.
Road Pavements
We guarantee compliance of our devices with commonly used equipment standards and ride quality specifications. This includes traditional profilograph specifications measured for decades with SSI’s CS8500 and predecessor models of the California profilograph. Evolving specifications for IRI (International Roughness Index) are covered by SSI’s inertial profiling systems, such as the popular CS9100/CS9300 high speed profilers and versatile CS8700 lightweight profiler.
SSI’s devices extend to both asphalt and concrete pavement applications. Single point or wide beam laser configurations are available. The wide footprint profile lasers record height measurements using a 4 inch (101 mm) beam consisting of at least 260 points across the pavement. This wide beam alleviates the impact of grooves, tynes and coarse textures by use of a “tire bridging” algorithm that distills the measurement to the riding surface (excluding the underlying texture attributes).
There are numerous additional measurement options beyond ride quality. SSI’s inertial profilers are scalable: add instrumentation incrementally to record rut depth, full lane transverse profile, cross-slope, IMU (geometry), camera (ROW or pavement surface), and 2D or 3D survey formats.
Recommended: Inertial Profilers
Recommended: Profilographs
Bridge Pavements
Several SSI devices extend to measuring pavement ride quality on bridge structures. The CS8800 walking profiler is compact, portable, and starts collecting from the very edge of an approach or pavement joint. It supports all commonly used ride and roughness specifications for bridges. The CS8550 Bridge Profilograph has been used for decades to test bridge smoothness under specifications like California DOT Test Method 547. SSI’s inertial profiling systems (e.g. CS9100/CS9300/CS8700) are equipped to handle bridge specifications that are tailored from road pavement IRI specifications.
Add 3D survey elevations with the total stations option on the CS8800. Also measure pavement texture simultaneously with ride quality using a wide beam 3D laser on the CS8800.
Recommended: Walking Profilers
Recommended: Profilographs