SSI’s exclusive new technology simplifies urban collections and projects with constraints. Collect at any speed: 0-100 mph (0-161 kph). There is no need to pace the collection to avoid red lights and stop signs.
Improve safety by collecting with the flow of traffic and varying speeds. With GPS tagging options, the operator doesn’t need to touch the computer – they can focus on driving.
SSI’s Zero-Speed Inertial Profilers have repeatedly proven to certify under the same standards as traditional inertial profilers; AASHTO r56 for repeatability and accuracy.
The Zero-Speed upgrade does not require run up or run out. Long duration stoppages also do not effect data. Both scenarios have been proven to collect accurate data compared to reference devices and traditional inertial profilers.
*SSI Zero-Speed Inertial Profiler is ‘System C’ in report
High Repeatability Reference Device
The repeatability results qualify the Zero-Speed as a reference device under ASTM e950 with repeatability scores greater than 98%. The Zero-Speed can be used as a reference device on tracks to certify inertial profilers. Now the reference data can be collected in a vehicle at a comfortable 15 mph in both wheelpaths.
SSI Zero-Speed Systems at NCAT 2022
Modular Components
The hardware for the SSI Zero-Speed system remains compact and modular. The wheelpath laser assemblies detach quickly and are stored in a foam molded case.
The models of SSI inertial profilers that can accept a Zero-Speed upgrade are:
CS9100 Mid-Mount Profiler
CS9300 Bumper Mount Profiler
CS9400 Single Track Profiler
CS9500 Full Lane Survey Profiler
Any SSI inertial profiler can be upgraded to a Zero-Speed system.
Modular components for CS9100ZS
Mounting Options
Zero-speed systems can be configured as a mid-mount CS9100 system, a front or rear mounted CS9300, or on the CS9500 Survey Profiler. The zero-speed system can be a field installable upgrade to existing CS9100/CS9300 systems. All CS9100/CS9300 software features are applicable with the zero-speed system.