Our Clients
Our Customer Network Stretches Across the World

What Our Customers Say About SSI
Clients by Industry
Research and Transportation Agencies
- Arizona DOT
- Arkansas DOT
- Caltrans
- City of Baytown Texas
- Clark County Public Works
- Connecticut DOT
- County of Mobile Alabama
- Hawaii DOT
- Idaho DOT
- Illinois DOT
- Maryland DOT
- Michigan DOT
- Mississippi DOT
- Missouri DOT
- Montana DOT
- Nebraska DOT
- Nevada DOT
- New Mexico DOT
- Prince Edward Island DOT
- Riverside County, CA
- South Carolina DOT
- St. Louis County DOT
- Texas Transportation Institute (TTI)
- Thailand Department of Highways
- University of California Pavement Research Center (UCPRC)
- Vermont DOT
- Acme Concrete Paving
- Aggregate Industries
- Ajax Paving Company
- All American Asphalt
- Bayview Construction
- Cemex
- Coughlin Company
- Fisher Sand and Gravel
- Flatiron
- Granite
- Graniterock
- JAS Glover, Ltd.
- Kiewit
- Lafarge
- Lendlease
- Pavement Recycling Systems, Inc.
- Penhall Company
- Teichert
Consulting Engineers
- EMG Corp.
- G3 Quality, Inc.
- Iowa State University
- Michael Baker International
- SAM Rhodes Inc.
- Talis Consultants