Zero-Speed Inertial Profilers Prove Their Worth
Zero-Speed Profilers Are Gaining Popularity Among Contractors

The fundamental issue with traditional inertial profilers is they cannot collect data at low speeds. Some manufacturers have minimum speeds above 10 mph. If that speed floor is crossed, the inertial profiler data has too much error and elevated ride values. SSI has tried and tested the Zero-Speed Inertial Profiler since 2015 to collect low speed profiles accurately and improve user experience and safety.
The SSI Zero-Speed inertial profiler upgrade is an option on any SSI inertial profiler. The benefits of the upgrade include higher quality GPS, no run up/out, cross-slope reporting, and a collection speed range of 0-100 mph including complete stops. Operators now have peace of mind when driving through intersections and stop signs because speed dropouts are avoided. All of these extra features while the Zero-Speed system can be certified under AASHTO r56 and TxDOT methods.
The Zero-Speed system is versatile and can be run as a traditional inertial system with the change of one setting.
The list of contractors using the Zero-Speed upgrade is increasing. It is the safer and more efficient choice when looking to improve your profiling process.
This map illustrates where the Zero-Speed profilers have collected data in the USA.