SSI Zero-Speed System Certified at ICART
SSI's Zero-Speed Inertial Profiler completed the certification at ICART. IDOT is one of the first DOT's to implement Zero-Speed certification procedures.

Illinois DOT’s new Illinois Certification and Research Track (ICART) has implemented one of the first stop-and-go inertial profiler certifications. The certification follows the procedure of AASHTO r56 where the equipment must be repeatable against itself and accurate to a reference device.
More DOTs are starting to develop stop-and-go certifications for Zero-Speed profiling systems. Today, SSI is the only vendor to offer a Zero-Speed inertial profiler.
ICART Track Testing
The stop-and-go certification consists of stopping at a pre-determined point on the certification track. For the current 2023 inertial profiler certifications, only the dense grade section of HMA was tested at ICART. While stopping in the middle of the track, the SSI Zero-Speed inertial profiler achieved over 98% repeatability and over 94% accuracy.
Other ICART Testing
During the annual 2023 RPUG meeting at the ICART track, SSI also collected data at a constant speed with the Zero-Speed system. This data achieved more than 99% repeatability, which can be qualified as a reference profiler under ASTM E950.
A high speed reference device can replace walking profilers. Collecting reference data at over 15 mph in both wheelpaths can save hours of certification preparation while allowing for reference data to be collected each day of a certification.
For more information on the ICART track see this presentation by IDOT’s Engineer of Pavement Technology, John Senger, PE.